We would like to digest genomic DNA.

Our restriction enzymes APE K1 and BAM H1 will cut lambda DNA, but will not cut our genomic DNA samples, even if we clean them up with several methods after isolation (Ampure bead purification with ethanol washes; Ethanol-sodium acetate precipitation). On an agarose gel, we always see a large fraction of genomic DNA that remains undigested, if we compare against an undigested sample only a very small amount of the sample has been digested. We are digesting for 8 hrs, at the recommended temperatures, with recommended buffers by NEB and with a large enough amount of enzyme.

We have tried various protocols to extract genomic DNA but the digestion problem persists with phenol-chloroform and silica-based protocols (including one using CTAB lysis buffer).

If we mix lambda DNA with the genomic DNA, the enzyme won't cut the lambda DNA nor the genomic DNA, so we concluded that inhibitors prevent the digestion reaction.

The DNA is excellent for PCR-based approaches, but restriction digests do not work properly.

The species we are working with is a lichen (fungus+Nostoc) and polysaccharides and secondary compounds could be a problem.

Has anyone managed to get rid of inhibitors which are co-precipitated (and co-isolated) with genomic DNA so that the DNA can be digested?

Advice is highly appreciated!

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