Hey everyone,

I am performing immunoprecipitation of an antibody of interest from brain and spinal cord tissues. The antibody in monoclonal and is not coupled to the beads we are using. The protein eluent is later on analyzed using SDS-PAGE and sent for mass spectrometric analysis of interacting partners of my bait protein. Unfortunately, in the last two attempts, our mass spec collaborators spotted many antibody fragments in the IP samples, which were not appearing (at least not to a huge extent) in our bead control. The suspicion is that the fragments are coming from the monoclonal antibody used for the IP and that it was somehow truncated during the processing of the samples (for example during elution using loading buffer and boiling).

Does anyone have experience with how to avoid such problem or find an alternative way to elute the proteins from the beads?

Thank you very much in advance!

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