Could you please elaborate upon what is it that you are counting, especially in terms of what is your background and target? A small macro can be written to do an automatic counting for you on ImageJ.
Hi Aparajita, so I have grown breast cancer cells in 6cm clear tissue culture dishes and stained them with crystal violet and now need to count the number of colonies. Hope that is clear.
Hi Alexis. The system is pretty binary so yes you can try to use the cell counter plugin as Tobias suggested, but in case you have a lot of data points per field, then a macro is better and faster. Here is a document to aid you with the automated counting on imageJ
If I understood correctly, you want to quantify cell proliferation based on dye measurements. Normally we use a dye to identify living cells and then microscopy to obtain images that can later be analysed on ImageJ to count the number of live cells per unit area. However, OD measurements maybe quicker and more handy if you have a large amount of cells. If you are imaging whole tissue, immunohistochemistry maybe useful. In that case, its slightly more complicated to make macros since the background and target color difference is not as sharp.