Can anyone give some advice on my cloning?

This is probably not the situation that you want to have where your insert is almost 3 times larger than your backbone. I tried several times now.

I use NcoI/EcoRV for the vector and NcoI/SmaI with the insert. I digest for 2hs (1h 37 and 1h 25C for the NcoI/SmaI double digest). Inactivate for 20 min. I run my gel in 0.5X TAE at 100V for 2 hours to get good separation. Use a quick gel extraction kit and I have attempted to ligate with NEBs quick ligase and blunt end ligase kits (30 min RT and O/N incubations at 4C) with not success. I use bioline gold efficiency competent cells with no luck.

The positive control for the transfection works well and the negative control of the ligation as well. I tend to get very few colonies when the inset plates work at all and these seem to be self-ligated vector. I have even tried to dephos the vector and phos the insert (although not really necessary) with no luck either. I have also tried to treat the insert as if it was a vector because of its size, no luck there either. I have also tried to use different amounts of ligation reaction in the competent cells such as 1ul and 5ul per 50 ul competent cells. I have run the purified dna samples in a gel and they look good (see picture). Only things I can think of is that the ends have been degraded under the UV while gel extracting or there is too much salt in the reaction. I pH my water to pH 8 with NaOH when gel extracting as this gives me a good yield of DNA, so not sure whether this is having an effect on the ligation. I have cloned using this water in the past with no problem.

Any suggestions or tricks would be really appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

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