I tried to use essential oil limonene to tested for their anti-apoptotic effect on PC12 cell induced by steroid. But when I prepare for the stock solution of limonene I always end up with colloid in the solution. I have try to prepare stock solution 10 mM using limonene 1.7 uL mixing with 998.3 uL DMEM and the result show no anti-apoptotic effect at all. Someone told me that it maybe cause by the limonene and the medium is not mixing homogeneously and I should add some solvent such as DMSO or EtOH. So I try to prepare stock solution of limonene 100 mM using 50 uL DMSO and 8.4 uL of limonene but the limonene and DMSO is separated even I lower the conc. to 50 mM this problem still persist. Then I try to use Absolute EtOH instead of DMSO in the same volume and method now the solution isn't separated but when I adjust the volume using DMEM it become colloid both for 100 mM and 50 mM stock solution.

Should I lower the concentration of stock solution or using any other method to make the stock solution become homogeneously. 

Any suggestion would be highly appreciated thank you.

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