
I am a Master's student of Mechanical Engineering at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea. What can be a good thesis topic for mechanical students on AFM research?

I am working on AFM for the last six months. I have gained sufficient knowledge about the components of AFM, and their effect on the speed of AFM.

For my thesis, I want to work on the side of Signal Processing (to improve the resolution of the acquired images), I am more familiar with the control work and if the control doesn't take a long time I will be happy to work on the control side.

I have searched a lot about research trends on AFM and get to know we have two trends

1. High-Speed AFM

2. High-Resolution AFM

For High Resolution I didn't find any publication and ideas, almost every author say they use FFT and Gwyddion software for making images better. Please suggest me some topics for my MS thesis. I have AFM Device and my lab has almost all the necessary tools and components to work with it.

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