Hi all. I´m using calcium-phosphate transfection for 293T. I had never transfected cells with any method. I used two DNA concentrations, 5ug and 10ug per well (6-well plate). I expected lower than optimal results as it was my first time trying the procedure. I obtained about 40% efficiency with 5ug and about 10% with 10ug. My professor says that is inconsistent. I thought perhaps the DNA concentration was too high, as I seem to gather most people use 2.5ug or less, but as an undergrad I don't really know. The plasmid is TurboGFP (SHC003) and had a desirable ratio; and diluted to 5ug/ul as it was highly concentrated. 2xHBS was prepared by myself at 7.11 pH as my professor indicated; after filtering I aliquoted and froze it inmediatelly. I also prepared CaCl2 2.5M; which I also filtered and aliquoted, then kept it at 4°C.

And so I prepared:

5ug GFP: 1 ul GFP (5ug/ul), 8 ul CaCl2, 91 ul molecular grade water.

10ug GFP: 2 ul GFP (5ug/ul), 8 ul CaCl2, 90 ul molecular grade water.

I added each solution dropwise to an equal volume of 2xHBS; this was done under constant vortexing. The solution initially had a yellow-ish colour that went away quickly, and then after a couple minutes it looked white-ish.

I replaced the medium, which I had changed and hour before transfection, with 1 ml DMEM 10%SFB, 1% PenStrep.

I incubated the mixtures 10 minutes and then added it to the cells drowise and trying not to go over the same spot twice. After each drop I shook the plate gently, so the DNA could cover as much of the plate as possible. The medium turned slightly orange. I left this medium for 4 hours.

After the 4 hours I washed the cells with PBS 7 times; as I had seen very big calcium precipitates the only time I had tried it before. Then I replaced with DMEM full. I noticed while washing that some cells were lifting; even though I always take precautions not to treat them roughly.

After 24hrs I took the cells to the cytometer and got the results I already mentioned. I may have done something wrong. My professor expected at least 70% efficiency. I also added 7AAD to check for cell death/damage but I got 0%.

Any tips? Tricks? Thanks to all in advance.

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