I am facing some problems while performing rt-PCR of mir205, 196b, 375, 21 and u6snrna. Every time the CT value of u6snrna is more than 33 and sometimes it is closer to 37. I have extracted whole RNA and I have done small RNA enrichment from FFPE samples. In both cases the CT value of u6snrna is not improving. On the other hand, the CT values of the target miRNAs are always within 20 to 30 cycles. I am using miRVANA as extraction kit and taqman probe for rtPCR. My RTpcr protocol is 50 for 2min, 95 for 10 min, 95 for 30 sec, 62 for 3min followed by 40 cycle. 60 for 1min. Auto delta enabled. My samples consist adeno and squamous cell carcinoma.

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