In this article fig. 1. The Author has made a decision tree with 24 nodes. Each node is specified for a specific cancer tissue of origin and the couple of MicroRNA which can identify these cancer tissues of origin. My question is, if I isolate miRNAs at the node14(hsa-miR-21, let-7e), node21(hsa-miR-205, 152), node24 (hsa-miR182, 34a, 148), node10(hsa-miR-194, 382, 210), will it be enough to identify cancerous tissue originated from the lung.

Why am I asking this question, because, I want to identify cancerous tissue, which has migrated to different region but originated in the lung. So if I take miRNAs from those specified nodes, will it be enough to identify lung cancer tissue, which has migrated to different region but originated in the lung.

Article MicroRNAs accurately identify cancer tissue origin

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