Suppose I have scored 6 allele for an SSR marker in 50 population with major allele frequency of 0.2448. Now how can I determine the required PIC for the marker?
To calculate PIC a MolKin v.3.0 software (Gutiérrez, et al. 2009) is quite friendly to use.
Another parameters can be calculated with: GenAlEx 6.5 software (Peakall, Smouse 2012), FSTAT v. software (Gudet 2002) or GenePop v.4.0.10 software (Rousset, 2008). Good luck !
PIC = 1-∑ (Pi)2, where Pi is the proportion of samples carrying the ith allele of a particular locus is convenient to use for determining values for smaller populations or parental values only.....for larger populations use of software MolKin v.3.0 (Gutiérrez, et al. 2009) could be recommended.
I recommend the excel file you can calculate the PIC= 1-∑ (Pi)2. after write the equation you can estimate the allele frequency as x and try to estimate the X2 and then PIC= 1-∑ (Pi)2.
Polymorphic information content (PIC) is calculated for each marker using the following formula: PICi = 1-ΣP2ij, where Pij is the frequency of the jth allele in clone (i). You can use the excel file where you have to calculate first the ∑ (Pi)2, and after this you can calculate the PIC= 1-∑ (Pi)2. In my experience I tried useful GenAlEx 6.5 software (Peakall, Smouse 2012).
The best option would be to calculate the PIC in an excel file using the following formula: PICi = 1-ΣP2ij. However, you can also use two programs under excel: Microsatellite Toolkit ( or GenAlEx ( Or the PowerMarker software which is easy to use.
For PIC calculation of co-dominant markers like SSR, Cervus 3.0 is very good. It is user friendly. It gives heterozygosity and pic value for individual locus as well as an overall average value. Or you can use online PIC calculator- PicCalc
I also support the use of PowerMarker to compute PIC very easily. Reference: "Liu K, Muse SV (2005) PowerMarker: integrated analysis environment for genetic marker data. Bioinformatics 21: 2128-2129"
by formula PICi = 1-ΣP2ij, where Pij is the frequency of the jth allele in clone (i). You can use the excel file where you have to calculate first the ∑ (Pi)2, and after this you can calculate the PIC= 1-∑ (Pi)2. In my experience I tried useful GenAlEx 6.5 software (Peakall, Smouse 2012).
The PIC for SSR can be calculated using the formula below:
Varshney, R.K., Chabane, K., Hendre, P.S., Aggarwal, R.K. and Graner, A., 2007. Comparative assessment of EST-SSR, EST-SNP and AFLP markers for evaluation of genetic diversity and conservation of genetic resources using wild, cultivated and elite barleys. Plant Science, 173(6), pp.638-649.
Theoretically, PIC values can range from 0 to 1. At a PIC of 0, the marker has only one allele.
At a PIC of 1, the marker would have an infinite number of alleles. A PIC value of greater than 0.7 is considered highly informative, whereas a value of 0.44 is considered moderately informative. A gene or marker with only two alleles has a maximum PIC of 0.375.
Clearly, markers with greater numbers of alleles tend to have higher PIC values and thus are more informative.