So another PCR problem. I have to amplify a 3 kbp construct with high GC content. Generally all the constrcut isaround 63%. My construct consists of the pcagpromoter with the cmv enchancer and a minimal chimeric intron and the gene of interest plus GFP and polyA at the end. I have my reverse primer 50 nucleotides outside of the SV40 polyA and the Forward the start of the promoter. I Have done many PCRs explained below. After many failed attempts I sequenced the plasmid, but everything checks out perfectly. Even the Forward primer anneals in the sequencing poorly (250bp of sequencing results).

In the end I just PCR with the Reverse Primer from the sv40 and many versions of sequencing primers I had, and obtained perfect bands all the way until the pCAG region, where again it failed again I got a perfect band from a combination of primers that had way bad kinetics( hairloops ΔG=-3 and primer dimer -10, oligoanalyzer IDT)

As for my PCRs i mainly use Dreamtaq (Thermofischer) and Phusion Hotstart Hf buffer. I have titrated DMSO 0-10 with steps of 2,5

I tried BSA and DMSO

As far as the PCR protocol I have done everything Normal , step , TD, SD with taq.

I think the problem lies in and around the CAG promoter. Any thoughts?

My primers



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