Hi All,

This issue has obviously been flagged many times in the past, but none of the answers from previous questions seem to help me.

Details: I am developing c-myc-labelled antibodies using phage display and am running an ELISA to measure their affinity for antigen.

For some reason there is a very high background in this assay that I cannot eliminate. I am:

- using Nunc maxisorp plates

- coating with 100µL of 1 µg/mL of antigen in PBS

- blocking with 4% casein in PBS 0.01% tween (PBST)

- adding test antibody with blocking solution

- washing several times between steps with PBST and PBS

- using an anti-c-myc-HRP for detection (1 µg/mL, Sigma)

- using TMB for visualisation

Every single well lights up in this assay, irrespective of test antibody concentration. Even my negative control (non c-myc labelled antibody) turns highly positive.

Any suggestions?!

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