during Agarose gel electrophoresis of genes for detecting rhlA, rhlR, rhlI, lasR, lasI, lasB, and phzA1 in isolates of P. aeruginosa. Most genes are 100 in size. Why this size on what basis was the small size chosen?
the choice of small sizes for the amplification makes it possible on the one hand to improve the efficiency of the PCR by avoiding the consumption of the ingredients for the formation of large size amplifiers. on the other hand during emectrophoresis the migration is easier and the reading is simpler for amplicons of less than 250pd
Smaller sized DNA fragments will move faster towards the positive-charged electrode in the running gel. A lower concentration of agarose gel is good for separating large fragments of DNA, whereas in higher concentration of agarose gel, due to the small pore size of the gel, smaller DNA fragments will move faster.