I have come across a nematode previously unrepresented in my host sample and would like to kindly request some assistance in identifying it. The worms were recovered from the large intestine of a female Apodemus flavicollis. Photos of a male and female are enclosed with this question. The length of the female is approx. 1,16 mm, with the eggs measuring approx. 0,060x0,041 mm. The length of the male is approx. 1,11 mm (though I found smaller ones as well, less than a millimeter long), the length of the spicule is approx. 0,065 mm. As far as I can gather, these appear to be Rhabditis sp. However, as far as I'm aware, adults of these nematodes are free-living and would have no business being in the intestinal tract of a mouse. Unless, of course, I'm missing something. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.