Heavy background on pvdf membranes blocked with 5% skimmed milk and probed with affinity purified rabbit pAbs

I am probing plant MAPK species using commercially available antibodies from Sigma. Following transfer, I block membranes (PVDF) with 5% milk and probe O/N with primary antibody diluted in 1% BSA (Sigma protocol suggest dil. 1:3000 and I use 1:5000). After extensive washing I probe with secondary HRP conj. anti-rabbit (again from Sigma. Suggested dil. 1:5000, I use 1:10000). I have also tried to block before 2ndary antibody as well, but even in this case I get to see multiple bands. So bottom line, I would like to ask if anyone knows about a reliable blocking method for PVDF membranes but also for a good stripping solution.

Thank you all,

George Komis

PS. I am using homemade chemiluminescence, enhanced by p-coumaric acid

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