we developed a GC-MS method for 2-Methylanthraquinone in the teak extracts (Gori G, Carrieri M, Scapellato ML, Parvoli G, Ferrara D, Rella R, Sturaro A, Bartolucci GB. (2009) 2-Methylanthraquinone as a marker of occupational exposure to teak wood dust in boatyards. Ann Occup Hyg; 53: 27-32.) and a HPLC method to detect Gallic acid in oak wood (GORI G., BONFIGLIO E., CARRIERI M., LAZZARIN M., CECCHINATO C. SCAPELLATO M.L., MACCÀ I., BARTOLUCCI G.B. (2005) I tannini e l’acido gallico come indicatori di esposizione a polveri di legno duro. GIORNALE ITALIANO DI MEDICINA DEL LAVORO ED ERGONOMIA. Vol. 27, pp. 332-334.)
You may want to check these references: Guy Ourisson , Pierre Albrecht; “Hopanoids. 1. Geohopanoids: the most abundant natural products on Earth?” Acc. Chem. Res., 1992, 25(9):398–402 and Yatagai, M.; Takahashi, T.; “Tropical wood extractives' effect on durability, paint curing time and pulp sheet resin spotting. Wood Science, 1980, 12(3):176-182. I have also attached an article that might be helpful.