according to me LCB and PICRIC ACID staining followed by microscopy is the best methodology to follow mycelial and sporulating structure of fungi including penicilliunm for identification. If required you can follow the slide culture technique for intact structures.
All mentioned agars are good for Penicillium morphology - recently, YES and CREA were also used for Penicillium identification. I recommend taxonomic studies published in the Studies in Mycology (Penicillium subgenus Penicillium: new taxonomic schemes and mycotoxins and other extrolites and Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies on the genera Penicillium and Talaromyces) for Penicillium identification.
The original monograph by C Thom " The Penicillia" The Williams & Wilkins Co. Baltimore USA 1930. The description of Penicillia and identification based on morphological & microscopic characteristics.
The latest I saw is Identification & Nomenclature in the genus Penicillium. Studies in Mycology. Vol 78. 343-371. Published by C.M. Visagie et al. They have given current list of penicillia based on morphological, microscopic and DNA Sequencing studies.