When you have WT & KO mice and you do a fear extinction experiment in 7 days period, which statistics is appropriate to use to differences between genotype and inter-group differences between days of extinction? What are variables?
the ideal test is a two-way ANOVA having "genotype" (WT vs KO) and "time" (days of extinctions) as between and withing groups factors ("independent variables"), respectively. In case you have ignificant effect of the interaction between genotype and time, you can then apply the appropriate post-hoc tests to test differences between genotypes at specific days or between days within a genotype. Of course, the test works well if data are parametric.
Tnx for reply. Ok I just wanted to check my assumptions. I am using Statistica software I have trouble adding the signs to values. If you use two way ANOVA and you have two set of data, one for WT and second for KO, and you have data for 7 days, E1 to E7 how do you assign marks? For example, o will be for WT genotype and 1 for KO, but for the second variable which is extinction time how do you mark it?
If you use statistica, you create a datasheet in which you have a column ("variable" in STATISTICA) in which you list the genotype and that you can name for instance "Genotype" (you can also create a column with the "name/number" of each mouse). You then list the data from the extinction in the adjacent 7 columns (variables) that you name, e.g., E1, E2...E7. It is very important that each row ("case" in STATISTICA) has the data from one single mouse (e.g., in row/case 4 you have data from mouse number e.g. 64). You can now do the statistical analysis. You then select "general ANOVA/MANOVA" and then "repeated measures ANOVA". You then select genotype as "Categorial predictor (factor)" and the columns from E1 to E7 as "Dependent variables" (all at once!!). You click OK and then you click "Within effects": as "no. of levels" you give 7 (for the seven extinction days) and as factor name what you want, for instance "Extinction day"). You then click OK and then OPK again and you get to the Results window.