After several protocols for gDNA isolation i have noticed that in all samples teh DNA is totally degraded.
I have used several papers, some of them are: , focusing on the SNET method, or according this paper:, etc...
Please see some pictures attached, in some of them I have some plant DNA as compassion, isolated with same chemicals and stock solutions required for the working lysis buffers.
So basically, CTAB protocols, based on phenol -chloroform isoamyl alchohol were mostly used . Most of the time the sample were incubated overnight at 55C with lysis buffer (100-200mg with 900ul buffer), and most of the protocols required this overnight incubation , later on precipitated either with izopropanol or different concentration of ethanol (70-100%).
Some fish samples are store for 6 months, so to be sure to have intact sample, we have used also a fresh fish from market, but no success. Same degradation pattern.
Any suggestions?
Article Efficiency of Different DNA Extraction Methods for Fish Tiss...