Dear all,
I am using Dde-Azide Agarose ( and I am trying to click alkyne-tagged proteins via CuAAC to them (ON on 4C), wash, and elute with 2% Hydrazine.
However, when I analyse my elution via Coomassie or Silver Staining on a SDS-PAGE
I see only smear and no clear bands. I tried adjusting the pH of the 2% Hydrazine elution solution and EtOH precipitation of my eluted proteins followed by resuspension in 1xSample buffer and analysis on a SDS-PAGE. However, this did not help much.
I started wondering whether the Hydrazine does something to my proteins which makes them run differently or I can somehow not see them anymore?
Another option is, that I am using the wrong Hydrazine for elution? Currently I am using the 80% Hydrazine hydrate solution from Sigma (®ion=DE) diluted to 2% and incubate the beads usually for 1hr.
Thanks already to all of you for your suggestions.