Dear All

I need help in troubleshooting mossy fiber recordings. All my PhD and Post-doc experience so far was in SC-CA1 recordings (Both field and whole-cell recordings). For a new project, I am trying to record mossy fiber-evoked responses in CA3 cells with a low current stimulus strength (20-60uA). However, I am seeing a lot of polysynaptic activity in the recordings. I initially started the stimulation with a cluster bipolar electrode (which I frequently use for SC-CA1 recordings). However, most of the mossy fiber recording papers used a glass electrode for stimulation. So, I realized I might be stimulating a large set of fibers and hence changed the stimulating electrode to a monopolar glass electrode filled with recording aCSF (3-5MOhms, same pipettes used for CA3 recordings as well). But I still see a lot of polysynaptic activity and spontaneous activity.

Recording Conditions

Cutting and incubation in half sucrose and half NaCl-based solution. The hippocampal slices were cut at 10 degrees magic-cut whole hemispheres, both based on protocols from Peter Jonas's lab.

Recordings were obtained in a regular aCSF with 100uM PTX (No NMDAR blocker as I am clamping at -70mV). I do not have a fixed place for stimulating electrode position, I keep varying it from the inner DG to Hilus to proximity to the recording electrode. All positions gave me similar results.

I do start evoking within 3 minutes of breaking in. Should I wait for a longer period like 10 minutes?

I appreciate it if anyone could help me to get rid of the polysynaptic activity in these recordings.

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