I would like to ask some questions regarding technique of oocyte aspiration from live donor mares.
The mares are sedated, without epidural anaesthesia. We are using 18G needle connected to syringe. We tried to flush the follicle several times (5-8). First, we used gentle pressure. Second we used rough pressure. During flushing I was sometimes able to move with the needle/ovary to scratch the follicle which should better release the oocyte. Of course this was not the case in all mares. Our successful rate is for the present really low. I had the chance to work with the ovary from slaughter house, because I wanted to see what is happening with the follicle when I work with live donors and I regarding what I saw the pressure of fluid which we pushed back to the follicle should be really gentle.
My questions are:
1/Do you think we should focus on “scratching” the follicle every time (all size categories)?
2/Do you think follicles can leak out from the follicle through the hole around the needle?
3/Have somebody tried to inject hCG directly to the follicle and harvest the follicles some hours later?
4/Is it better to rotate the ovary so I can reach all the >2 follicles or is it better to inject the needle through the ovary?
Thank you very much for your answers.
Best regards,