Hello everyone! I am using Tryptophan like treatment in tissues. I have problem of degradation of DNA or RNA in the samples with treatment but this problem not was observed in control samples. Can anybody know if Tryptophan affect DNA or RNA?
well i don't know which method you are using for extraction , but i do not think that L-tryptophan has any relation with nucleic acid degradation since you observed that control subjects did not affect by the treatment but only your samples .. hence i think there is something else concerning the extraction condition (pH, buffers, sample contamination , error preservation ..etc...) so try to validate your experiment conditions
Tryptophan would have no effect on RNA or DNA. Are you perhaps thinking of trypsin (instead of tryptophan), that is a comment protease used to desegregate attached tissue culture cells. However Trypsin should also not have any affect on RNA or DNA.