I have recently tried to isolate potential staphylococcus from waste water samples using Mannitol Salt Agar plates with oxacillin. However after incubation plates had a strange growth on it which
could please tell how long the incubation period was? because i doubt that these "weird" growths might be S.aureus but for long period incubation , and also these growths has a mucoid appearance!
Hi guys, thanks for the replies, the salt concentration of the medium was 7.5% and the incubation period was 37oC for 3 days. I had only planned to incubate for 24 hours but was unable to remove plates from incubator until after 3 days
the colony morphology is similar to Bacillus species. as Kris mentioned it must be a halotolerant Bacillus species. If you didn't inoculate it, obviously its contamination.
I am having same problem while testing of herbal products. The growths are typical of S.aureus. biochemical tests even match but bacterial morphology in gram stain is totally opposite. I am getting gram negative rods in chains and in isolation. I am stumped.