Has anybody tried ferritin immunostaining by DAB method or immunofluorescence technique on brain frozen section? Please share your experience if you can help.
I will just add to Liz recommendations two more antigen retrieval options, since, I don;t know the specifics proteins you are aiming for. However, in my lab we always start with the citrate retrieval.
1) Trypsin retrieval: works great for myelin peptides immunostaining:
0.1% trypsin, 0.1% CaCl in 0.05 M Tris pH 7.4, for 10 minutes at 37˚C
2) Image-iT® FX Signal Enhancer from Invitrogen (cat # I36933)
Its the last option if you are afraid of losing you tissue by exposing it to heat. Incubation is 30min at RT.
Then, for antigen retrieval I prefer a rice cooker than the microwave. Two reasons: I don't need to get upset if there is some agarose left-over or competing with agarose people. But the main reason I find it more consistent and you can process more slides at once avoiding handling discrepancies. However, you can use regular coplin jars. Check on Ted Pella for staining dish and slide holder cat # 21078 and 21078-1. They tolerate up to 85˚C. Also, they have no metal which is not good with some of the retrieval buffers.
For humidified chamber, don't wast your money in those expensive ones. You could do just find with a plastic container with lid paper towel soaked in PBS and chopsticks. Or a plastic slide saver box with hinged lid, again paper towels soaked in PBS and laying the slides on top of the grooves. No need for chopsticks this way.
In may lab we also use another washing buffer when we do fluorescent microscopy that helps to see the red fluorochomes better. It has fish skin gelatin, some people don't like it cause the smell but to be honest red spectrum could not look better. We got the gelatin from Sigma cat # G7765, 0.2% FSG in 1X PBS.
Lastly, you might need to titrate the serum you use for blocking. Liz included in her protocol 50% of either goat or donkey. However, for some iHC we even go down to 3-5% of goat serum and 10% for donkey.
Yes, I agree with Lillian. When I say "humidified chamber," I mean an old slide box with wet paper towels. You can also use a tupperware with serological pipettes taped to the bottom.
I also agree that 50% serum is excessive, and I have used 5% which works just as well.