I determined the sensitivity of 40 breast cancer cell lines to a previously untested chemical compound. For each of the cell lines (before treatment) I have multiple Omics data: Gene Expression, mIRNA expression, Methylation status and Copy Number calls. Using randomForest with the appropriate feature selection technique I came out with 4 distinct signatures that are predictive of the response to the compound.

Gene Expression: 46 genes

Mirna: 13 mirna

Methylation: 20 methylated promoters

Copy Number: 4 genomic regions (20-30 genes in total)

I'm satisfied with the prediction results of each of these signatures on a small test-set, but combining these information into a single multiOmics signature gives better prediction results.

What i see is that there are strong connections between the predictors of the different signatures. In example, part of the 46 genes are targets of some of the mirnas while others are known to be interacting with some of the genes that are part of the methylation signature.

How would you combine and present such kind of data in a single network?

The best web based application I found so far is mirob.interactome.ru for the generation of mirna+genes networks. Is there any good cytoscape plugin, any other web server or something else you find appropriated?

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