I have access to a computer cluster made of 44 nodes. Each node has 12 cores and 48 GB ram. The main problem is that jobs have a maximum walltime of 6h then they get killed, but I can use as many nodes as I like, which means that for a job I could use i.e up to 10 nodes = 120 cores x 480 GB RAM or more.

So in order to make a tophat job to finish in 6h hours I wanted to parallelize it to a a very large number of cores with the appropriate RAM per core, and specify the number of cores through the -p parameter.

My problem is that I can' t get tophat to recognize all the cores of the multiple nodes, and I think this is because I have to launch it using "mpirun". (mpirun -np XX tophat etc). But when I run tophat this way it fails to start. So I'm wondering if tophat is mpi capable or not? Do I need a recompiled version? I could find somewhere on the internet clues of tophat being run through mpi (http://seqanswers.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-11472.html)

Can anyone give me suggestions or alternatives?


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