I want to clone out a particular ALL cell line: RS4;11 after lentiviral transduction (with no puromycin/similar resistance gene unfortunately) to isolate clones with varying expression of my ectopically expressed gene and to isolate only expressing cells. Previously, with other leukaemia cell lines transduced with various viral constructs, I have cloned them out by limiting dilution (only seems to rarely work), or by using semisolid agar medium. I plan to attempt both of these techniques again, but was just wondering if anyone has any other tips or techniques they might be willing to share? As far as I can see from the literature, there have been no previous attempts to clone out this cell line experimentally.

Important notes:

My viral construct has EGFP, but no puro/similar resistance gene

I normally start cloning cells out approximately 3 days post transduction

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