I am trying to create a 16kb construct and transform Stbl3 competent E.coli with the construct. However during restriction digest analysis of my possible constructs, I either see banding patterns that indicate the lentiviral vector alone (I have dephosphorylated to try to prevent vector-only religation, but I guess a few are inevitable) - or a variety of different bands which vary from clone to clone. These bands occasionally correspond to one or more bands of the correct size that I would expect to see in my construct - however, there are always not enough bands to account for the full construct. Having done some reading, I see that Stbl3 are EndA+, which is co-purified with the intended transformed plasmid and can shear DNA. Could this account for my 'odd' banding patterns and if so, how do I prevent this? I believe there are ways of getting rid of this EndA+ but am not quite sure how to, or at which stage of my plasmid purification. I use a Promega Wizard Plus Miniprep kit to extract my plasmid DNA.

The attached picture shows a typical digest, of which I believe lanes 4 and 7 are my religated vector without insert based on the band sizes relative to the ladder, but I am struggling to find a reason for the other banding patterns/varying sizes.

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