I have only a minimum experience on ELISA tests and I am trying to use eBioscience kits for BAFF (BMS2007INST) and APRIL (BMS2008) and I'm not having good results. I was wondering if someone who uses these kits could give some tips about what can be changed in the recommended protocol.
If not, what can usually be changed in ELISA kit protocols?
The problem I'm having is that I have some really low reads for my samples, below the lowest concentration point in my curve. I am already using non-diluted serum. Besides, this lower part of the curve is not so good also. When I compare the OD values I get with the ones shown in the kit documentation, my values are higher for the high concentration points, and lower for the low concentration. Even for the BAFF kit, in which the standard strips come ready to use.
More information on the kits: http://www.ebioscience.com/human-baff-instant-elisa-kit.htm
I thank you in advance for any help given! :)