In some areas where drought is persisting we observe an increase in the salinity of soils. In these areas no irrigation is possible. If you have a reference regarding this question I would greatly appreciate . Thank you!
"The Tamaroi durum line containing the salt-exclusion gene yielded 25 per cent more on salt-affected areas than the same line without the gene. Similar yield results were obtained in South Australian trials conducted by Dr Tony Rathjen, a durum breeder at the University of Adelaide.
Article Coping with salinity: HANAA new salt tolerant wheat (Triticu...
"One line was registered and released by The Ministry of Agriculture, The National Committee for the Registration, Release and Protection of Iraqi Cultivars under the name HANAA which is new salt tolerant cultivar that can tolerate up to 18 dsm-1 in the field with large seeds, high 1000 seeds weight, high protein content and good elasticity suitable for Iraqi flat bread."