In order to test different water parameters I need to know how to convert conductivity to Salinity and TDS in ppm or ppt. Give me the reference please.
Salinity is a metric like TDS in that it estimates the level of salt in a water sample. To calculate salinity levels, apply a conversion factor (usually ~0.5) to conductivity readings. It’s common to express salinity as parts per thousand (ppt) or g/L.
Conversion for units used to measure salinity: Simply times (x) EC (μS/cm) by . 55 to get an approximate ppm equivalent.
As a thumb rule in water monitoring, the relationship between two is; Conductivity ='k' x TDS . So in basic water chemistry we take k=0.7. ...
The factor value of 'k' can change at times based on aqueous nature of sample.
TDS-EC relationship: TDS (mg/L) = ke × EC (μS/cm) where ke is a constant of proportionality.
TDS (mg/L or ppm) = EC (dS/m) x 640 (EC from 0.1 to 5 dS/m)