Hello All,
I am planning to collect nuclear protein and cytosolic protein from the same cell sample, and I need to find protein extraction protocol. The cytosolic protein is needed to do Co-IP.
I searched on google and found out a method to extract nuclear protein from cytosolic protein by using just RIPA and NP40/TritonX100 lysis buffers. They mentions that use NP40 lysis buffer first to lyse cells then collect supernatant which is cytosolic protein extract. Then lyses the remaining pellet with RIPA buffer again to collect supernatant, which is nuclear protein extract.
Have anyone ever tried this method? Does it get a good result? Do you know what the centrifuge speed and incubating time with lysis buffer (time period to leave cell in lysis buffer with gentle mixing) in each step? and no need to sonication, right?
Both lysis buffers are home-made and the recipes are:
Thank you so much