I work with HL60 cells. I would like to know the online database for mitochondria proteins in this particular cell lines. So that I can pick certain proteins and start working. Thank you.
I don't know if there are any databases specifically for HL-60 cells, but with some simple cross-referencing you can determine HL-60 expression of any mito protein in the following manner:
1. Open either of the following online databases which contain a comprehensive list of human mito proteins: http://www.broadinstitute.org/pubs/MitoCarta/ (choose the human database). I've added some annotations and updated this catalog in this publication: http://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(14)00262-9 (check the supplemental databases).
2. Choose whichever protein interests you, or choose several proteins. Copy and paste them into the BioGPS "search genes here" space (http://biogps.org/#goto=welcome). Click "search" and you will see your gene or list of genes on the screen. Select "human".
3. You should see expression values of your gene compared between a list of cell lines or tissues. If this list is not the NCI60 list, select "change" near the top of the page, then select "default datasets", then select "NCI60". This will give you the expression value of your gene of interest in the NCI60 dataset. HL-60 cells are usually the 3rd expression value shown in this view. So, you can determine if your mito gene(s) of interest is expressed in HL60 cells. You can also export all of the data as an excel file.
There might be an easier way to do this, but following this method doesn't take that long to identify the relative expression values of many mito proteins in HL-60 cells. This will also allow you to determine if your particular protein is expressed at higher or lower levels in HL-60 cells compared to all of the other cells in the NCI60 collection.