Hi, The question is about whether proteins precipitate when I precipitate DNA (approx 3500 bp) with PEG600. Anyone looked up this or have experience with it? I have a pure DNA that I cleaved and I want to remove the Restriction enzyme from it. 

I don't want to use kits... as I have so much DNA that it is impractical. I can't use phenol chloroform due to new health and safety regulations at the department. So it appears I might end up with PEG precipitation. I have no problems with the procedure, but can't find any info if the proteins (i.e. Restriction enzymes or PCR polymerases) can be efficiently removed from the DNA during PEG precipitation?

Also, does an ethanol wash of the pellet suffecient to remove the salts associated with PEG precipitation? 

Thank you for all your help.

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