This depends on the rock types and time the water has been in the ground. In Iceland thermal water is close to neutral in pH and contain few salts. In many wells and springs used for therapeutic baths in central Europe salts are higher than in seawater and the total hardness can be above 100 dH.
base metals in hydrothermal fluids are common and have been studied in different environments, among other rift geodynamic settings. See the attached paper, ready for download from the RG server:
DILL, H.G., BOTZ, R., BERNER, Z. and ABU HAMAD, A. M. B. (2010) The origin of pre – and syn-rift, hypogene Fe-P mineralization during the Cenozoic along the Dead-Sea-Transform Fault, Northwest Jordan.- Economic Geology, 105: 1301-1319.