The science, art, or technology dealing with processes involved in the separation of metals from their ores, the technique of making or... | Contact experts in Metallurgy to get answers
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Questions related to Metallurgy
Dear all, I am student from Malaysia. I just want to try to use DAMAKS for my research. Does anybody have example of yaml file for titanium and ss316. For titanium, I would like to have taylor...
16 October 2023 3,544 2 View
I need to confirm the presence of two phases in the same composition. So, I need to take HRXRD so that I can resolve my peaks. But my material( Na0.5 Bi0.5)TiO3-BaTiO3 shows crystallite size in nm...
20 July 2023 7,738 1 View
i need books talk about this proprties
29 April 2023 5,119 1 View
I have an XRD pattern and SAED pattern for a powder sample where a very small fraction of minor phase is confirmed in XRD while that minor phase is not found in the SAED pattern.
26 February 2023 5,270 8 View
Hello, Please, Which material admits two deformation modes simultaneously (sink-in and pile-up) under a nanoindenter? Receive my deep respect Cordially HABIBI Samir
25 February 2023 5,314 2 View
I have visualized the alteration of the cell wall during drought stress with the confocal microscope. Now, I want to measure the cell size at different time points. Is there anyone who knows how...
30 April 2021 1,806 3 View
I am plotting a processing map with 5 strain rates with each corresponds to 5 individual temperatures that have flow stress. From the straight-line fitting between stress and strain rate, I got...
04 January 2021 1,004 0 View
Want to know the relation between sdas and solidification rate, the mechanism by which getting smaller space between secondary arms by increasing the rate ?
24 December 2020 1,036 2 View
I have conducted hot compression tests on Mg alloy at various temperatures and strain rates but i am unable to figure out that how to use this data to plot processing maps. I have read many papers...
30 October 2020 5,600 0 View
ammonium chloride is said to convert solid oxides on metal surface to volatile chlorides (ammonia is a gas), but what about the Oxygen that is taken out of oxide? Does the "ammonium oxide" break...
28 September 2020 6,791 1 View
During our experiments, we conducted multiple rotary degassing treatments with Ar and N2 purging gases on a 356 alloy with 200 ppm Sr. We found that the fading process of the added modifier is...
26 September 2020 5,545 3 View
I have not seen a time in any papers, and do not want to leave it too long or not long enough. Any ideas on how long is a good time to vibromet 316L SS in 0.05 um colloidal silica?
10 September 2020 3,644 5 View
According to the metallurgy point of view, how these mechanisms help into affects the behavior of materials' intrinsic property?
23 August 2020 8,342 6 View
W are preparing hybrid nano composite of graphene oxide and alumina added to aluminum powder by powder metallurgy, and at higher percentage of alumina, a considerable agglomeration of took place....
17 June 2020 1,084 0 View
I am performing heat treatment on as-cast 0.85 wt% carbon Cr-Mo steel. The heat treatment is being done at 925 degree C for a soaking time of 8 hours. The aim is to achieve complete dissolution of...
05 June 2020 4,384 6 View
Both the names seem very similar but there must be some very important differences.Please highlight them for me.
08 May 2020 866 3 View
I am performing dilatometry experiment on standard dilatometer samples taken from a huge casting block. Initial micro-structure is eutectoid in nature (100% pearlite). Will the microstructure...
30 April 2020 9,544 2 View
Do you know if microsegregation occurs during freezing water-ethanol solution and what is the phase diagram for a water-ethanol solution?
28 March 2020 3,466 5 View
Please note that I am an inspection engineer and would like your views/ opinion on the following - We have experienced severe metal wastage and tube failure in a heat exchanger with SS304 tubes....
27 March 2020 10,105 6 View
Second dendrite arm is easily visible but nothing happens when switch to PLM. Keller and Barker's reagent were used.
04 February 2020 2,132 3 View
What fields (topics) do you suggest to work as a metallurgy and Technical Inspection master degree Student in Cathodic Protection? Thank you kindly
18 January 2020 4,447 5 View
I am characterizing weld overlays by submerged arc welding process. Upon observing the microstructure of the cross section, there is a presence of a dense carbide band (accumulation of primary...
09 January 2020 2,215 2 View
I've been curious about how exactly HEA's are manufactured. Are they predominately cast? Printed with additive manufacturing?
30 December 2019 7,059 2 View
I have tried doing ebsd but it is not giving a lot of un indexed points. So I dont know if the unindexed points are finer alpha titanium or beta titanium. During electro polishing the softer beta...
20 December 2019 3,139 7 View