I have been using a CD34-PEcy7 reagent from Becton Dickinson (clone 581, class III epitope) to stain PBMCs for flow cytometric analysis.  CD34 haematopoietic stem cells are not the only cells to appear 'positive' - monocytes are too (they all consistently have a delta GMFI above 100 units - I dont have the actual figure to hand).  the samples were stained in the presence of human serum and 10ug/ml human IgG,  using an FMO  strategy except that isotype control antibodies were used in place of specific antibodies for the relevant flourochromes and acquired on a QC'd Aria.  From the literature there is no evidence that monocytes express CD34 antigen and there have been a couple of HSC centred papers I have seen that monocyte staining is a false positive.   This was revealed by comparing two antibodies from different vendors of the same clone  - but they never revealed which vendors these were.

When looking at the data sheet for this antibody and many others in the market place they are almost all class III epitope antibodies and they only show representative staining derived from  a lymphocyte (where there is a hint of some events with a higher FSC appearing positive) or cell line gate.  Only one company, Miltenyi Biotec,  does show gating derived from total PBMCs and here monocytes appear negative but this is with a different clone to the one above.    

My understanding is that CD34 is a Ligand for L-selectin so is it unreasonable to expect some positive staining? 

I plan to isolate CD14++ cells using MACS technology and plan to examine CD34 mRNA anyway but is anyone else working in this area that could shed light on this?



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