We have recently utilised Bambanker (BB01) from Nippon Genetics (Geneflow in UK), which is a serum free DMSO containing cryogenic storage medium for cells. PBMCs (5x10e5/ml) were not happy in this medium when stored at -80C (in an Isopropanol container, althouth I know this is not necessary) for ~12 months (viability dropped considerably from baseline and 1 month data, measured using flow cytometry) and thus we have moved them to Liquid N2. Since then I have found out that Nippon Genetics do not have data on PBMCs rather immortalised cell lines. Moreover I am still not sure whether they use viability and/or growth rate to validate its use.

I am writing to find out other peoples experiences of Bambanker. Going forward I plan to place PBMCs into Bambanker, freeze down at-80 then transfer to Liq N2. Does anybody else do this and have they experienced good (>90% viability?). Thanks Adam Wright

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