Dear All,

I am overexpressed one gene in Arabidopsis (mutant for gene i am overexpressing), i screened 25 plants using kanamycin selection and PCR (using gene specific primers) for selection of T1 transformants, i got 23 out of 25 as positive. Collected the seeds from T1 plants and randomly chose 4 positive T1 plant seeds and now growing T2 plants.

Aim of the study: Will be doing metabolote profiling of T2 plants (transformed) to target gene (overexpressed) specific metabolite.

Here, actually i have three questions, viz...

1. Do i really need homozygous plants to achieve my objective/aim?

2. If yes, then how to select homozygous plants in T2 generation?

3. How many plants do i need to select from T2 for metabolomics?

Thanks in advance.

Looking forward,



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