I have inserted a 300bp sequence of interest into the PTRV2 vector for use in VIGS and transformed that vector into E.coli, plated on LB Agar w/ 1% Kanamycin. There was growth on the plates, but confirmatory testing with colony PCR showed no amplification for some reason. I re-performed ligation, transformation, and colony PCR and still no amplification.
I've troubleshooted using a longer extension on the off chance the insert was dimerizing/trimerizing, but still no amplification. I routinely use these primers for colony PCR and have not had any issues before. I sent the plasmid off for Sanger sequencing with these same primers and they were unable to determine the sequence. All signs seem to point to the primers being the issues, but how can this be justified given they've not had any previous issues? How would simply adding a different insert render them ineffective? Is my most logical next step to design new primers for this one instance?