I am investigating the effect of certain cognitions/attitudes on sexual recidivism.
Sexual recidivism is the binary outcome variable (0 = no / 1 = yes). Originally the sex offenders could score 0 or 1 on eight different attitudes (file-information was scored). Based on theory I divided the attitudes in two categories and made new variables which were the sum of the corresponding attitudes. Therefore my predictors are now 'offense supportive attitudes' (OSA) and ' post-hoc excuse making' (EM). OSA can be 0-1-2-3 and EM can be 0-1-2-3-4-5, so I figured they are now ordinal predictors.
I have checked for multicollinearity and linearity of the logit; both assumptions have been met. Unfortunately, I don't know how to check the assumption of independence of errors (overdispersion). I think the durbin-watson test only analyses linear regression?