Hello, I have been using Cell Mask to stain the plasma membrane of bEnd.3 cells. However, I find that Cell Mask fluorescence can be seen throughout the cell. I incubate with cell mask (1x manufacturer concentration) for 8 min, then PBS wash, then fix with 3.8% formaldehyde for 10 min at room temp, then dapi. I think the fixation step may be permeabilizing the cell membrane, since I've read on many message boards that formaldehyde fixation can permeabilize cells. Some people I've asked believe DAPI is cell impermeant, and therefore my cells are likely permeabilized since DAP nuclear signal is observed. However, I have read that DAPI can permeate across live cells, though less efficiently. Any suggestions on trouble shooting. I'm thinking 2% formaldehyde for 5 min, and maybe excluding DAPI in case it does something to the CellMask.

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