01 December 2020 2 670 Report

Hello, I am a research student in MSc Food Science and Innovation at Manchester Metropolitan University for 2019-2020. I would hereby like to invite you to take part in my dissertation research project by completing a web-based survey


The purpose of this survey is to evaluate the influence of colour and appearance perception on consumers acceptance of organic herbal teas. Relying on published research and with your help, I would be able to draw correlations between the consumers buying behaviour and the colour of brewed herbal tea.

An estimate of 15-20 minutes is needed to complete the questionnaire including signing the consent form. The survey is anonymous and response data will only be analysed at an aggregate level.

If you are unable to complete the survey, you can save it and finish it later as this option is available. I would really appreciate if you answer all questions on page 6 (the page with too many tables) even if it is shown as optional. The optional note is only a system glitch I could not fix. Thank you for spending your time to read this invitation and think about your participation in my research. It is greatly appreciated. 

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