Generally, EFA is used to get the unique and uncorrelated items from correlated items in the huge data set. Therefore, some Scholars suggested that researchers can perform the EFA before performing the CFA to confirm the Model. In contrast, some scholars argued that both EFA and CFA have the same criteria as factor loading to factorize the model. Therefore, there is no need to perform the EFA, when we use the CFA to confirm the model. Even some scholars documented that if there is no valid and solid theoretical support, EFA might be used to construct the model, which in turn can be used to confirm via CFA.

Based on the overall underpinned viewpoints, I thought that performing EFA before confirming the model via CFA gives the real pathway for CFA to confirm the model via unique construct, which is derived from EFA. Because EFA is used to factorize the unique constructs via factor loading and concerning cross loading. In contrast, CFA only use the factor loading to construct the model, in which cross loading is not considered. Sometime correlation might be there between the items of the factors or variables.

Is this the correct view or not?

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