12 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sivapalan Achchuthan
Is it justifiable to use both SEM and FsQCA for the unique (same) theoretical framework? Scholars are focusing on FsQCA to validate the results from SEM further. Is it justifiable to use both...
13 June 2019 8,641 1 View
Common method bias is apparent in cross-sectional survey research. Are there significant ways to minimise the common method bias in cross-sectional survey research? Please provide me with the sources.
13 June 2019 6,544 4 View
Are there any possibilities to measure the Customer satisfaction or Loyalty through secondary data specially extracted from the annual report of the company itself?
29 December 2016 9,987 13 View
Can we use Structural equation modelling (Using AMOS) to test the model fit for the Accounting Research with using Ratio Scale? If yes, please guide me with the evidences from reputed journal For...
18 December 2016 8,800 3 View
Does it make sense to treat Marketing Information System as a distinct subject within the overall bounds of Marketing
05 December 2016 1,156 10 View
What would be the impact of the results of US Presidential Election held in November, 2016 on the world economy and South Asian Economy?
10 November 2016 8,633 5 View
Can sesearchers measure the purchase intention and purchase behavior simultaneously? Based on the TPB, intention and behavior are measured in the different time period to predict the intention’...
27 April 2015 6,402 8 View
Whether sample size as 2000, which was derived with mathematical formula from the population is enough or less or more for the advance statistical analysis in terms of EFA and Structural Equation...
19 January 2015 7,923 6 View
Generally, EFA is used to get the unique and uncorrelated items from correlated items in the huge data set. Therefore, some Scholars suggested that researchers can perform the EFA before...
18 January 2015 2,311 16 View
Can items of both independent variables and dependent variables altogether be factorized to get the unique construct through the CFA? In my case, Retail service quality is considered as the...
18 January 2015 8,432 6 View
Research on Retail service quality and customer loyalty is being carried out presently by me. Brief Description of the Study: In our Scope, Retail Service Quality is considered as the independent...
17 January 2015 7,121 15 View
What is the required level of Sample size for the advance statistical tools as Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Model?Whether Two thousand (2000) sample size is enough or too...
17 January 2015 9,797 8 View