I would like to co-culture Plasmodium falciparum (pf) with mice cell line in this case will infection occur or can I separate the pf antigen for infection to mice cell line
Hi there....there are some possibilities to perform this co culture. Perhaps important considerations should be taken as the growth requirements are different for both cultures (serum.albumax and FBS). You have to prepare a media good enough to handle both cultures. Also cell number of the cell line as well as RBCs should be optimum...be carful is you are using a cell line which can multiply. Therefore optimum conditions and cell count is necessary. If you maintain this you can have infection in RBCs but I don't know for upto what passage number.
If you isolate Pf antigen how it will invade cell line...it reside inside RBCs.
How long the incubation gonna take place? If it is within 48 hours I bet you can just use an inoculum of Plasmodium falciparum with it media then do the infection on the mice cell line.
It is tough to culture this of parasite in mouse as these parasite are species specific and highly adapted to human cells p. bergi may be a choice for rodent cell line the media which they use for the of culture is RPMI media but the cells in mouse may not support pf