2. Add 2 µL of 10× DNase I reaction buffer. Add 1 unit of DNase I per 1–2 µg of RNA. Adjust the final volume to 20 µL with RNase-free H2O. Incubate the sample for 30 min at 37˚C.
3. Inactivate the DNase I by adding 2.5 µL of 25 mM EDTA. Incubate the sample for 5–10 min at 65˚C–75˚C.
4. Centrifuge the sample briefly to collect the contents of the tube, and chill the sample on ice.
Although I don't have expertise in protocols like the one that Aissa suggested, I can add than a work collegue uses a Qiagen that works pretty well for RNA blood extraction. The method is based on columns and also you will have to incubate 10-15 min with DNAse I in DNAse reaction buffer. Here I attatch the link to the mentioned kit: https://www.qiagen.com/us/products/discovery-and-translational-research/dna-rna-purification/rna-purification/total-rna/rneasy-kits