02 February 2015 16 7K Report

Vector Info: Pcdna (6500bp)

5ug of vector Digested with HINDIII & ECORI in cut smart for 3 hours at 37 ( with 1uL of CIP).

Gel purified

Insert info: (1800bp)

PCR product digest with HINDIII and ECORI for 3 hours at 37.

PCR cleanup


20uL reaction

NEB t4 ligase

10x buffer thawed slowly on ice and mixed well

1:1 and 1:2 ( V:I ratio)

100ng vector

2uL ligase

Everything mixed well and centrifuged

Ligated for 15 hours at 16C.

5uL transformed into Top 10 cells.

30MIN Incubation on ice with DNA

45 heat shock at 42C

100uL SOC

37C and 225PM for 1 hour

plated entire volume on LB Crab plates

....0 colonies.

i am losing my mind.

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