07 July 2015 2 482 Report

After cut single band from PCR-DGGE gel (534R, 341F-GC, which amplify a fragment of 193 bp ), then do PCR and ligation with pBlue vector, after transformation, I pick 10 clones and extracted the plasmid, and send the 10 plasmid sample for sequencing

Here are my questions:

     1. The sequencing results are that these 10 clone samples have different sequence, does it mean the single band I cut from DGGE gel have at least 10 different type of bacteria?    

     2. When blast the product sequence online, some sample’s highest identity are below 90%, and some are 99%, I wonder how to determine the type of bacteria according to the identity?

3.   It happened that some of the sequences had small size (150bp or 135bp) than the expected ( 193 bp), Could this be a sequencing error or possible contamination or some other reason?  thanks!



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